Associated Press: President Trump goes on clemency spree, and the list is long

Her case, like several others, had been championed by criminal justice reform advocates like Alice Marie Johnson, whose life sentence Trump commuted in 2018 at the urging of reality TV star Kim Kardashian West and whose story Trump's reelection campaign featured in a recent Super Bowl ad.

Johnson told the AP that the president had been looking specifically for female candidates, and asked her for a list of other women who deserved clemency during a criminal justice conference at historically black Benedict College.

“Kim made a difference going to the White House fighting for me, so if I can fight for something I definitely wasn't going to turn that opportunity down,” Johnson said.

Holly Harris, president of the criminal justice group Justice Action Network, applauded Trump “for taking these steps," but said she hoped to see him use his power to help “any of the thousands of deserving individuals who are neither rich, nor famous, nor connected” and “every bit as deserving of a second chance.”


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