The Washington Post: White House assembles team of advisers to guide clemency process as Trump considers more pardons

Johnson is a member of the informal network of advocates providing clemency recommendations. Former acting attorney general Matthew G. Whitaker, Democratic commentator Van Jones and Brett Tolman, a former U.S. attorney in Utah, are also part of the group, according to a senior administration official.

The informal effort ramped up after Johnson reached out to lawyers and other criminal-justice advocates to help her seek commutations for women she knew in prison, said Inimai Chettiar, legislative director for the Justice Action Network, a bipartisan group pushing for criminal justice change and represented on the informal task force by Tolman.

Johnson reached out to these people “and they started meeting with the White House,” Chettiar said. “Alice Johnson helped coordinate this.”


The Christian Science Monitor: President Trump goes on clemency spree, testing power


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