Variety: Meek Mill Wants to Free 1 Million Prisoners in the Next Five Years

Three governors across the aisle spoke about efforts they’ve taken to reduce the prison population, ranging from ending the death penalty and decriminalizing marijuana, to supporting reintegration programs. Gov. John Bel Edwards of Louisiana said increasing the prison population only drives up crime rates and costs for taxpayers, whereas prisoners who reenter society effectively can become productive members of the workforce. Also outlining the reform actions they’ve taken were Gov. Mary Fallin (R-OK) and Gov. Dannel Malloy (D-CT).

Daniel Loeb, whose Margaret & Daniel Loeb Foundation was a co-sponsor of the event, said he wanted to help Noble, even though he had never met him in the three years he worked on the case. Loeb also urged people in the room to create networks and aid one another in their activism. “We need this network, we need everyone’s energy,” he aid. “Networks are so much more powerful than hierarchies.”

A variety of criminal justice reform organizations like #cut50, Anti-Recidivism Coalition, and the Justice Action Network were supporting partners of the event.


Nonprofit Quarterly: Ready for Groundbreaking Bipartisan Shifts in Criminal Justice Reform


The Christian Science Monitor: Behind the surprising surge of hope for US criminal justice reform