Washington Examiner: Jared Kushner 'indispensable' on prison reform, model for future Trump fights

“The First Step Act is bipartisan legislation done right — from Jared Kushner and his team at the White House, Reps. Doug Collins and Hakeem Jeffries to outside groups like the Justice Action Network, bringing together folks with different agendas and ideologies, then working the issue relentlessly,” said GOP analyst Doug Heye, a former Republican National Committee spokesman. 

“That this may happen at a time when Washington is so polarized is a real credit to everyone involved, and anytime you can get Van Jones, Kim Kardashian, and the Trump White House together, you just might be on to something,” he added.



ABC News: Supporters of criminal justice reform bill warn of 'poison pills' as legislation heads for Senate floor


The New York Times: It Took Quite a Push, but McConnell Finally Allows Criminal Justice Vote