WRKF Baton Rouge: For Women, Prison Programs Need More Work

State Representative Patricia Smith of Baton Rouge was a featured speaker at the U.S. Justice Action Network’s seminar on incarcerated women’s issues Tuesday, in Washington D.C.  Her work on Louisiana’s recent criminal justice reform package was applauded.

“It was a bi-partisan collective work from a lot of people,” Smith told the overflow crowd at the seminar’s breakout session focusing on rehabilitation issues.

“The bills that we passed includes a reinvestment portion for the savings on individuals being able to get out of prison,” Smith explained. “That reinvestment will allow for more programming, for more mental health, for more substance abuse programs. But all of this is just a drop in the bucket of what we need to do.”



Time: Jails Weren't Built for Women. Inmate Advocates Say That's a Big Problem.


Mother Jones: Kamala Harris Went to Prison So Others Won't Have To