9. What is your view on whether and when voting rights should be restored to individuals with criminal convictions? (Please select one)

a. Voting rights should not be revoked for criminal convictions.

b. Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals upon release from prison.

c. Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals convicted of nonviolent or drug offenses upon release from prison.

d. Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals after they have completed all terms of their sentence, including parole and probation.

e. Voting rights should not be restored for individuals who have had them revoked.

f. Other. __________________________

Vice President Joe Biden

b.    Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals upon release from prison.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg

b. Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals upon release from prison.

Senator Bernie Sanders

a.     Voting rights should not be revoked for criminal convictions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren

b.   Voting rights should be automatically restored for individuals upon release from prison.