McClatchy DC: Trump gives Kelley Paul's push for criminal justice reform a major boost

“Kelley was our secret weapon, we brought her in as the closer,” said Holly Harris, executive director of the Justice Action Network, a leading advocacy group. “She’s passionate and powerful and she can get some of the meetings that it’s difficult for the average advocate to land.”

Trump had earlier taken notice of Paul. At a rally in Lexington last month for Rep. Andy Barr, R-Kentucky, the president urged more television appearances for Kelley Paul.

“She has become the biggest star in the family,” Trump said. 

In an interview earlier this fall, Paul said her husband and father-in-law’s advocacy “opened my eyes to the extent of how bad our system is broken and how people are suffering through that.”


NPR: Congress May Be On The Verge Of A Major Overhaul To The Criminal Justice System


USA Today: Trump embraces bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation