NPR: Congress May Be On The Verge Of A Major Overhaul To The Criminal Justice System

JOHNSON: I reached out to Holly Harris. She's executive director of the Justice Action Network, which lobbies for changes to the justice system. Here's what she had to say.

HOLLY HARRIS: We're very hopeful that this bill will also lead to second chances for so many individuals who need treatment, who really want to get job training, who want to return to society, support their families, find good jobs, improve their education, secure adequate housing.

JOHNSON: Now, Holly Harris says she knows a lot of people got discouraged when nothing happened in Congress during the Obama years. But she says Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican, and Senator Dick Durbin, a Democrat, really held together and helped push this plan.


The New York Times: Republicans and Democrats Cannot Agree on Absolutely Anything. Except This.


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