The New York Times: 11th-Hour Effort to Press McConnell to Allow a Criminal Justice Vote

But influential outside advocates said they saw something else at work: an effort by Mr. Cornyn and other Republicans to run out the clock.

“Everything he is doing indicates he is being an obstructionist,” said Jason Pye, the vice president of legislative affairs for FreedomWorks, a conservative advocacy group. “I don’t believe him, that’s the problem. I don’t think anybody who is a stakeholder on this issue believes him.”

Holly Harris, the executive director of the Justice Action Network, a bipartisan coalition in favor of the changes, likened the secretive whip process to a game of “eighth-grade telephone” that amounted to delay tactics.


Politico: Cornyn under fire from GOP as criminal justice reform falters


Des Moines Register: Here's why you should care whether Congress finally passes criminal justice reform