The New York Times: Just How Much of an Overhaul Is This Overhaul of the Nation's Criminal Justice System?

To many advocates, releasing 7,000 inmates — less than 4 percent of the federal inmate population — is unacceptably low given the huge number of people imprisoned in the United States compared to other countries. But even freeing that many people early has been used by some opponents to try to scare lawmakers into voting no, said Holly Harris, the executive director of U.S. Justice Action Network and a former general counsel for the Kentucky Republican Party.

“How expansive the bill is is in the eye of the beholder,” she said. “This is not the end of the road, but this is as much as we can get done this year.”


Fort Worth Star Telegram: Texas oilman Tim Dunn aims to broaden GOP's appeal with criminal justice plan


Nonprofit Quarterly: Ready for Groundbreaking Bipartisan Shifts in Criminal Justice Reform