Fort Worth Star Telegram: Texas oilman Tim Dunn aims to broaden GOP's appeal with criminal justice plan

“The voters that Republicans are going to need to reach in future elections, including at the presidential level, are widely supportive of this,” said Robert Blizzard, a partner at Public Opinion Strategies who has worked on GOP presidential campaigns. His firm surveys the issue for the nonpartisan reform group Justice Action Network.

“For a party that needs to appeal long-term to younger voters, African Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, and obviously women, given what just happened in the election,” said Blizzard, “[Criminal justice reforms] could be very beneficial for Republicans.”


The New York Times: McConnell Feels the Heat From the Right to Bring Criminal Justice Bill to a Vote


The New York Times: Just How Much of an Overhaul Is This Overhaul of the Nation's Criminal Justice System?