The New York Times: McConnell Feels the Heat From the Right to Bring Criminal Justice Bill to a Vote

Outside advocacy groups have largely focused on Kentucky, where Mr. McConnell is up for re-election in two years. Justice Action Network, which supports the overhaul, is digitally targeting conservative voters in the state. So is FreedomWorks, a Tea Party-aligned conservative group, whose online targeting had driven 10,000 calls of support to Mr. McConnell’s office in the last few days.

“We are going to keep up the pressure on him to make sure he is good on his word,” said Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs for FreedomWorks.

The state’s junior Republican senator, Rand Paul, and his wife, Kelley, were saturating the Kentucky airwaves to make the case directly to Mr. McConnell’s constituents.


WKMS Murray State: Kelley Paul Presses McConnell To Move Criminal Justice Reform Forward


Fort Worth Star Telegram: Texas oilman Tim Dunn aims to broaden GOP's appeal with criminal justice plan